Feb 17 2023

Central Warehouse Ordering

Written by Orderly Marketing

If you run a food and beverage business, you know how important it is to keep track of your inventory. You need to ensure you have enough stock of each item to meet customer demand but not so much that you’re wasting money on excess inventory. One way to manage your inventory more efficiently is by using central warehouse ordering.

What is central warehouse ordering?

Central warehouse ordering is a system in which a business places orders for all their products with a central warehouse. The warehouse is responsible for maintaining inventory levels and distributing products to each location as needed. This allows businesses to streamline their ordering process and reduce the amount of time and effort needed to manage their inventory.

How does central warehouse ordering work?

The process of central warehouse ordering involves several steps:

  1. Product selection: First, the business selects the products they want to stock. This could include everything from raw ingredients to finished products.
  2. Order placement: The business orders these products with the central warehouse. This can be done manually or through an automated system, such as an electronic data interchange (EDI) or a web-based ordering portal.
  3. Fulfilment: The central warehouse receives the order and processes it. They pick and pack the items and prepare them for shipment.
  4. Delivery: The warehouse ships the products to the individual locations where they will be sold. This can be done through various methods, such as parcel delivery services or freight carriers.
  5. Inventory management: The central warehouse is responsible for maintaining inventory levels and ensuring that each location has enough stock to meet customer demand. They may use tools like inventory management software to track inventory levels and monitor product usage.

How can technology help with central warehouse ordering?

Technology can play a key role in making central warehouse ordering more efficient and effective. Here are a few ways that technology can help:

  1. Automated ordering: Using an automated system like EDI or a web-based ordering portal can streamline the ordering process and reduce the risk of errors.
  2. Inventory management software: Inventory management software can help the central warehouse track inventory levels and anticipate demand. This can help prevent stockouts and overstocking.
  3. Predictive analytics: Predictive analytics can be used to forecast demand and help the central warehouse make more accurate inventory decisions.
  4. Real-time tracking: Real-time tracking technology can be used to monitor the location and status of shipments, allowing businesses to better plan for delivery and inventory management.

Overall, central warehouse ordering is a powerful tool that can help food and beverage businesses manage their inventory more efficiently. Using technology to streamline the process, businesses can reduce the risk of stockouts and overstocking, improve delivery times, and ultimately provide better customer service.

Want help with your central warehouse ordering? Our Supply Chain Management Solution helps thousands of outlets worldwide. Contact us here